A man from Westchester County has been confirmed to have the Coronavirus. This case is the second confirmed in New York.
Currently, the man is in a hospital in Manhattan.
About a dozen people in Westchester Country have been quarantined as they try to narrow down who could have contacted the virus through interaction with the man.
Several schools in New York have decided to close as a precaution.
The schools that are currently closed are SAR Academy, Westchester Day School and Westchester Torah Academy.
Governor Cuomo does expect that this is a virus that New York will be dealing with for a while. Yet, he is working to ensure that precautions are being taken and that plans are in place.
On Tuesday he signed into law a $40 million emergency management authorization. This money will be used to hire extra staff and equipment needed for treating and protecting against the Coronavirus.
Source: NBC Connecticut
Coronavirus Update and Statistics
By Krista Dillane
Picture Credit: Getty Images