Hotlines You Can Call for Thanksgiving Emergencies

If you need help cooking your Thanksgiving meal then you're in luck because there are several holiday hotlines available to answer cooking questions. Here are some of our favorites and what they do:

  • Butterball Turkey Talk-Line 1-800-BUTTERBALL, has been around since 1981, and is open every November and December. On Thanksgiving it’s open from 7am to 7pm, and tonight it remains open until 11 pm. 
  • USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline – This hotline, run by the Department of Agriculture, is the go-to place for questions about safe handling and consumption of raw poultry. It’s open Monday through Friday 10 am to 6 pm (1-888-674-6854)
  • Sara Lee Pie Hotline – Here’s where you can go for any go-to dessert emergencies. The hotline, 1-888-914-1247, is open from 8am to 7pm today, and from 8am to 3pm tomorrow.
  • Ocean Spray Hotline – If you’re planning to do more than just open a can of cranberry sauce, here’s the hotline for all your questions. Just call 1-800-662-3263 today from 9 am to 6 pm and tomorrow from 9am and 2pm. 
  • The Splendid Table - The Minnesota Public Radio Show is hosting a “Turkey Confidential” show from 12 to 2pm tomorrow, featuring chefs, and show host Francis Lamanswering all your holiday questions. (1-800-242-2828)

Photo: Getty Images

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