Wind Hill Farm Summer Concert Event - Steve Nystrup Trio

Wind Hill Community Farms is hosting a summer concert on July 2nd from 5 -8 pm. (Rain Date July 3rd)! The popular group, the Steve Nystrup Trio is performing.

For more information and to buy tickets, click here!

Information about Windhill Community Farms:

WIND HILL FARM is a community farm. We are a retail, organic vegetable farm with a community garden for neighbors’ personal gardens, and programs and activities for people of all ages including farm-to-table dinners, hikes, Weed & Wine gatherings, Farm Fresh Kids on-farm educational programs and special programs and events.

MISSION: We are a non-profit, 501c3 community organization located in east Glastonbury. Our mission is to promote local farms, environmental stewardship and healthy lifestyles by encouraging people to participate in farming, gardening and educational programming.

OUR Farm and Programming is managed by a Board of Directors: Current Members are: Chairperson Bill Stapleton, Vice Chairperson Janice Gottesman, Janet Edmondson, Treasurer, Jean Hopkins, Joan Curtiss, Christine Penney, and Mark Labbe.

OUR Farm is supported by selling vegetables through our CSA, renting garden beds, and presenting programs and events. Donations from generous supporters supplement and support the maintenance of our hoophouse and infrastructure. 

We have a community garden. We have a participating members’ garden, which includes twenty-nine 12’x4’ raised beds which are leased to area families for growing produce organically. We have recruited a wonderful community of gardeners who swap seeds and plants and share their successes and failures with the other gardeners. They reap their “local” produce serving healthful vegetables to their families while contributing to “green” efforts by preserving this land in an organic, agricultural use. 

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