West Hartford is looking for a home for 45,000 pound iconic sperm whale

The Cetacean Society International, located in Connecticut, needs help from the community to find a giant local whale a new home.

Conny the Whale, which is the iconic landmark cement statue of a sperm whale, outside of the Connecticut Children's Museum in West Hartford, Connecticut will need to be moved.

In 1976, 200 volunteers came together to construct the 62-foot whale at the Children's Museum as part of a "Save Whales" campaign. The cement whale was named Conny (short for Connecticut). Since then, the massive statue has become an icon in the state.

The Children's Museum located on Trout Brook Drive in West Hartford is planning to relocate due to the land owner, Kingswood Oxford School, selling the property for development of housing. The whale will also have to be moved and reports of moving the structure are around $200,000.

A Change.Org petition has been created to move Conny the Whale two miles down the street to The University of Hartford.

Learn more about Conny and the potential move by visiting http://saveconny.org/

(Photo: Getty Images)

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