No surprise...Miami, Los Angeles and Houston top the charts with 36-22 thirst trap posts per 1,000 posts (shockingly low numbers if you ask me). New England is officially NOT very good at the Instagram Thirst Trap game. I think it's because we have snow 8 months out of the year but I digress. Boston cracks the top third of the charts but Hartford and Providence both fall within the bottom 10 cities on the list.
Some of the methodology used by FourLoko to determined the biggest thirst trap cities cited below (Yes, that FourLoko).
What constitutes a thirst trap? We started by deciding a true “thirst trap” should be more provocative than a generally sexy image. In most cases, the qualifier for this was a considerable display of skin (revealing abs, belly buttons, butts, and close-ups of legs or breasts). We also counted images where the body is clothed in a normal manner but the subject is clearly flaunting a particular body part (most common example being an over-the-shoulder booty shot at the gym).
Check out the full report and parameters by FourLoko here. Are you guilty of dropped a thirst trap photo? Do you judge others for putting them up? Let me know what you think!
Photo Credit: Getty Images